New American Tech Workers in Ohio
Date: September 24, 2021

New research from New American Economy demonstrates the important role immigrants are playing in Ohio’s technology industry and highlights the need for a modernized immigration system that is responsive to critical workforce needs, allowing the state to continue to grow, innovate, and compete.
The new report, New American Tech Workers in Ohio, was prepared in partnership with OhioX, a member of Ohio Business for Immigration Solutions (OBIS), in celebration of Ohio Tech Day.
Key findings include:
- Ohio needs a modernized immigration system responsive to Ohio’s workforce needs. The denial rate for H1-B visas in Ohio has more than doubled from 8.2% in 2013 to 21.3% in 2019.
- Ohio is facing critical workforce shortages in the tech and innovation sectors. The increased denial rates are preventing highly qualified workers from entering Ohio and filling critical workforce gaps at a time when Ohio has more than 91,000 vacant jobs in the STEM industry, with 13.8 job postings for every one unemployed STEM worker in the state.
- Immigrants play a crucial role in Ohio’s tech sector. Immigrants made up just 4.6% of the state’s population, but accounted for 17.8% of software developers, 10.0% of self-employed STEM workers, and 7.1% of computer systems analysts in 2019.
Read the full report here.