The Contributions of New Americans in North Dakota
Date: August 3, 2016

Ever since new drilling technology opened up large chunks of the state to oil drilling around 2006, North Dakota has been in a state of flux. Although it is beginning to slow down now, oil and gas companies have rapidly ramped up their activity in the state in recent years, drawing workers from across the country to the promise of well-paying jobs in the oil fields. Between 2010 and 2014, North Dakota’s overall population grew by 9.6 percent—by far the largest population growth of any state in the country. Articles in the press indicated that so many people across the state had decided to take jobs at the Bakken shale oil formation that it was difficult in many towns to find enough workers to man cash registers, restock grocery store shelves, or wait tables at local restaurants. This led some businesses to seek out immigrant workers to fill such roles.